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life expectancies, plural;
  1. The average period that a person may expect to live

  1. an expected time to live as calculated on the basis of statistical probabilities
  2. Life expectancy is the expected (in the statistical sense) number of years of life remaining at a given age. It is denoted by ex, which means the average number of subsequent years of life for someone now aged x, according to a particular mortality experience. ...
  3. Life Expectancy is a novel by suspense/horror writer Dean R. Koontz. The plot centers on five pivotal moments in the life of a self-proclaimed "lummox" named James "Jimmy" Tock.
  4. years of expected life according to statistical tables; probable future; chances of survival; statistical chances
  5. Life expectancy represents the average future time an individual can expect to live. Life expectancies have been increasing steadily over the past century and may continue to increase in the future. As people are living longer the cost of retirement is increasing.
  6. The average number of years a person is expected to live based on a national average per age group, and other factors.
  7. The average age at which 50 percent of newborn children survive.
  8. The probability of an individual living to a certain age according to a particular mortality table. This is the beginning point in calculating the pure cost of life insurance and annuities and is reflected in the basic premium.
  9. The number of years that, on average, people of a particular age are expected to live, based on statistical results from the Australian population. These statistics are published in the Australian Life Tables prepared by the Australian Government Actuary.
  10. The average age that a newborn infant can expect to attain in a particular time and place.
  11. A calculation made to determine the number of years a person is expected to live according to a particular mortality table. This is one of the considerations in determining life insurance premiums.
  12. The number of years an individual is expected to live based on his or her current age and applicable IRS tables.
  13. average number of years that individuals are expected to live depending on where and when they are born and spend their lives. May be derived on national, regional or local scale.
  14. The date where replacement/major refurbishment is necessary.
  15. Probable number of years (or days or months) remaining in the life of an individual or group of individuals; average lifespan of an individual
  16. The average number of additional years a person of a given age and sex would live if current mortality trends were to continue.
  17. The average length of time that people in a country are expected to live
  18. The length of time (usually measured in years), up to which, a disc is expected to provide access to data stored on it with no uncorrectable errors. ...
  19. the age to which a given person or population is anticipated to live based on survival statistics.
  20. The age to which an average person is expected to live, as calculated by actuaries and shown on a mortality table.
  21. Longevity, the average length of life of individuals in a population
  22. Your life expectancy is the age to which you can expect to live. The IRS provides actuarial tables that establish your official life expectancy, which you use to determine your minimum required distribution from a 401(k), traditional IRA, or other tax-deferred retirement savings plan. ...
  23. Mean age of death, calculated on the basis of a fictitious generation in
  24. The actuarial estimate of the number of years a person will live from any given age.
  25. The average amount of time a person will live after a certain starting point, like birth or the diagnosis of a disease. The calculation is based on statistical information comparing people with similar characteristics, such as age, gender, race/ethnicity, and health. Read more.